Collection: Spridget External Engine


 Spridget Engine External 948-1098
Spridget Engine External 1275

All of the parts you need for your Spridget's external engine! 

From the factory, the engine in the car would be as listed below. Be sure to check what engine is in your car, as a lot of the time the engine is upgraded to the 'big brother', the 1275.

MKII 948 Engine || Feb 1961-Sept 1962 || HAN6 Cars 
MKII 1098 Engine || Sept 1962-Mar 1964 || HAN7 Cars
MKIII 1098 Engine || Mar 1964-Oct 1966 || HAN8 Cars
MKIV 1275 Engine || Model Year 1967-1969 || HAN9 Cars

MKI 948 Engine || Jun 1961-Sept 1962 || GAN1 Cars 
MKI 1098 Engine || Sept 1962-Mar 1964 || GAN2 Cars
MKII 1098 Engine || Mar 1964-Oct 1966 || GAN3 Cars
MKIII 1275 Engine || Model Year 1967-1974 ||GAN4 & GAN5 Cars